About PD

  • About Physical Dircetor :
    Dr.E. Raja Gopal
    Physical Dircetor
    Cell : +91 9440983964
    email: rajagopal.mrcet@gmail.com
sports hod Raja Gopal

Brief Profile:

Dr. E . Raja gopal has over 12 years of experience as a physical Education Teacher producing numerous noteworthy achievements possessing an unquenchable passion towards his profession. He dedicated himself for the welfare of the students by instilling the importance of lifelong learning, sound health and fitness. He serves as a role model through extensive participation in fitness activities and coaching of competitive (football, basket ball, cricket,volleyball, kabaddi ) and non-competitive sports and games not loosing focus on essential skills such as team sportsmanship, physical strength, endurance and flexibility. His services were well recognized to the extent that he was selected as a manager by JNTU for various teams either. Currently, he is awarded his Ph D in physical education from JNTUH. He has presented 3 international papers.

Currently a spacious, well equipped gymnasium is being well-maintained by Dr.E.Rajagopal for the physical well-being of the students.