Category | No. of Documents | Issue period |
Teaching Staff | 8 | 1-Semester |
Non Teaching Staff | 3 | One Month |
UG Students | 3 | 14 Days |
PG Students | 4 | 14 Days |
To get the Library membership students have to produce the below mentioned documents:
- Original Library caution deposit receipt for verification
- Photo copy of the same
- ID CARD(Smart Card)
- Two passport size colour photos
Circulation Section :
Automated Books issue System :
In order to speed up the work at circulation desk the services and operations at circulation counter are automated. Her user will be provided with a master digital Bar-coded Membership Card. In the library all the documents are bar coded. The user will produce his member ship ID card then user account will be opened. The document is scanned using of laser scanners.
- Documents are issued to all eligible members.
- Open access system is followed in this library. Users are free to pick any book of their choice.
- Use online Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) which shows the availability and status of the books.
- Rules:
- The readers should check the book thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, pictures etc., while borrowing the book.
- Damaged condition books will not be accepted from the reader. Mutilated or spoiled books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
- Loss of book has to be reported immediately at the circulation section. The fine will be calculated till the date of its return.
- Loss of Smart Card has to be reported immediately at circulation section to block the transaction.
- For replacement of lost book kindly contact at Circulation Section.
- Books are reissued only if there are no claims or reservations.
- Maintain ‘Q’ at circulation section for transaction.
- Borrowed book if recalled by the Librarian has to be returned immediately.
- The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior or misuse of the library facility.
- Fine Collection:
- After the due date of the document fine will be charged as follows:
- 1.From 1st day to 15th day—Rs.1/- per day
- 2. From 16th day to 30th day— Rs.2/- per day
- 3. From 31st day onwards — Rs.3/- per day
Reference Section :
The Library maintains a separate reference Section these section has a good collection of reference books like Encyclopedia of Britannica, The world of learning and Dictionaries, Data books, Hand Books, Yearbooks, Directories, Atlases and other books marked for reference only and are not issued for home reading and are to be referred within the library.

Private Study Zone (Reading Hall) :
Now a day’s more readers prefer to sit and study in this kind of study rooms. In our library this facility is available. There is one big hall available for group discussion and study purpose.

Inter Library Loan :
DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. It aims to collect, store, and disseminate information besides offering computerized services to users, to coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and also to reduce unnecessary duplication wherever possible. DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various union catalogues of the resources available in member-libraries. It has already created the union catalogue of books, union list of current periodicals, union catalogue of periodicals, CD-ROM Database. DELNET provides an array of facilities including E-mail to its member-libraries including both institutional and associate institutional members. DELNET’s relentless efforts in resource sharing have proved extremely effective. It has indeed been a bid leap towards the modernization of libraries in India.
ILL: DELNET is offering Inter-Library Loan & Document Delivery Services to its member libraries on request in delivering of books and journals through courier service.
The Central Library offers inter-library loan service to its users for the books not available in the MRCET library by procuring them from Developing Library Network (DELNET) The MRCET Library, in turn, also lends its resources to the libraries of other government and academic institutions.
For more information refer:
To avail above facility contact to Mrs. M.Kamalahasan at Circulation Section.
Book Bank :
SC/ST students are eligible to use this facility.
Along with 3 regular books 2 more additional books will be issued to SC/ST students.
SC/ST students should produce attested copy of their caste certificate at circulation section.
Users Awareness Program:
The library takes an active part in the orientation program organized by the institute for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. Any user desiring to know more about library resources and service or to learn how to use particular resource like OPAC, e-journals, databases etc. should contact in charge, Reference service.

Photocopying :
The Central Library offers photocopying service to all its members, walk-in users and others. Private photocopying vendor operating from within the library premises provide copies to all other users at the following rates: The charges for are: Rs. 1.00 (A4) per page. The vendor operates from the staircase niche attached to the library from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays.