Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in
which the course delivery and assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and
outcomes. Outcomes include knowledge, skills and attitudes. Its focus remains on evaluation
of outcomes of the program by stating the knowledge, skill and behaviour a graduate is
expected to attain upon completion of a program and after 4 – 5 years of graduation. In the
OBE model, the required knowledge and skill sets for an engineering degree is predetermined
and the students are evaluated for all the required parameters (Outcomes) during the
program. OBE is to improve technical education in India and help Indian Engineers compete
with their global counterparts. It focuses on measuring student performance i.e. outcomes at
different levels.
Some important aspects of the Outcome Based Education being followed in the department
of Mechanical Engineering, MRCET Campus are stated as below:
1. Course Outcome (CO): Course outcomes are statements that describe significant and
essential learning that learners have achieved and can reliably demonstrate at the end
of a course. Generally, three or more course outcomes may be specified for each
course based on its weightage.
2. Programme Outcomes (POs): Program outcomes are narrower statements that
describe What students are expected to be able to do by the time of graduation? POs
are expected to be aligned closely with Graduate Attributes.
3. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs): The Programme Educational Objectives of a
program are the statements that describe the expected achievements of graduates in
their career, and in particular, what the graduates are expected to perform and
achieve during the first few years after graduation.
4. Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO): Programme Specific Outcomes are what the
students should be able to do at the time of graduation with reference to a specific
discipline. Usually there are two to four PSOs for a programme.